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At St Thomas More Catholic School we believe that each student should be given equality of opportunity to achieve their full spiritual, academic and social potential by recognising the uniqueness of each individual and providing a rich and varied learning experience for all.
Each student, regardless of their ability, is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to their needs. The curriculum offered aims to give all students a sense of achievement and thereby help them develop confidence and self – esteem. All students are encouraged to participate in the social and academic life of the school. We aim to provide educational experiences that take into account the individual needs of all the students and are appropriate to their level of ability.
This policy aims to ensure that curriculum planning, teaching, learning and assessment for pupils with SEND takes into account the type and extent of the difficulty experienced by them.
Our Special Educational needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs A White – alwhite@stthomasmore.org.uk if you would like to make contact.
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