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The personal development of all our students is at the heart of our mission as a school and we provide a wide range of education, information and opportunities which enable our students to develop their interests and talents, and to flourish as young people.
Our personal development curriculum is equitable with all other curriculum areas, but also extends beyond a formal, taught curriculum. The taught curriculum has been built around key themes, linked to the statutory requirements, but also the needs of our pupils and their context. The curriculum has been developed to incorporate key requirements linked to SMSC, British Values, Citizenship, Relationships & Sex Education, protected characteristics, the Character Framework and the Gatsby Benchmarks. Our curriculum also provides opportunities to develop our Ethos, linked to our Catholic Faith and to develop students as learners, explicitly supporting key skills such as literacy and effective revision.
We firmly believe in the education of the whole child and do all that we can to enable each and every child in our care to see themselves as God sees them, to realise their potential, and to leave us as confident, well rounded citizens who are a credit to their communities.
Our personal development programme encompasses both a formal, taught curriculum and wider opportunities and experiences for our students and supports them in all of the key areas below, and much more.
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