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Summer School 2021

During the first week of the Summer Holidays we took part in the Department for Education Summer School programme. Our aim was to provide an opportunity for pupils starting Year 7 in September 2021 to enjoy a range of activities that would support their catch up from Covid lockdowns, as well as supplement their transition to secondary school.

Our key objectives for the week were: 

  • Numeracy – to increase confidence in working with number structures in readiness for the Year 7 curriculum
  • Literacy – to expose children to new words through reading and discussion
  • Teamwork – to recognise that team work and social skills may have been lost during the recent lockdowns, and to create an environment to support the rebuilding of these skills
  • Well-being – to promote the benefits of the Pastoral system within our school, and to demonstrate the support structures that are available to facilitate transition
  • Outdoor Activities – to give every pupil the opportunity to spend time outdoors, structured and unstructured, allowing them to have a safe space to exercise and to explore the natural environment.
  • School Routines – to familiarise pupils with school routines and behaviour expectation

We invited all students who were due to join us in September 2021, and had a fantastic response of 126 students. The Summer School ran from Monday 19th – Friday 23rd July 2021, from 9am until 3pm each day. 

The week began with practical lessons in Design Technology and Science. In Design Technology students were able to make a working clock, which they could then take home with them. In their Science lesson, students worked with some of our Sixth Form students, who demonstrated some of our fantastic science equipment. The students also solved some fictional crimes using real life forensic methods.  

In the middle of the week students had a day of outdoor activities as they headed to the Derwent Walk. While there students enjoyed some al fresco Maths lessons, as they were taught how to calculate the age of the trees around them.

The week ended with a focus on Literacy and Ethos. Students completed two lessons in English Language, as well learning all about our school rules. They then enjoyed Physical Education lessons outside on our school grounds, including football, netball and rounders. Students also completed a daily numeracy task, as part of their daily Pastoral sessions. 

On each day of the Summer School students received a full packed lunch which they were able to enjoy in our outdoor dining area. We catered to all dietary requirements and ensured students had plenty of water, we were also able to provide some ice lollies on the warmest days!

Funding was provided for the Summer School by the Department for Education. We received £59.50 per student, per day to run the event, which was spent as follows:

Staff costs£22,500.0015 staff x 5 days x av £300
Catering staff£1,000.00
Lunches£3,150.005 x £5 x 126
Pupil rewards£630.00£5 x 126
Outdoor activity support£2,100.002 days x £1050
Guest reader£350.002 x half days
Stationery & postage£175.00
Numeracy workbooks£1,134.00
Literacy books£1,200.00
Curriculum resources£3,780.004 depts x £7.50 x 126

We had an excellent week, and received some very positive feedback. We believe that the Summer School was successful in allowing the students to experience life at St Thomas More Catholic School, and understand what is expected of them once they join us. 

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