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Year 7 Parents’ Welcome Evening – 22nd September

As Parents and Carers, we recognise how significant a role you play in your child’s education and we look forward to working together as a community to support your child’s journey with us. As such, we would like to invite you to a Welcome Evening here at St Thomas More, at 5.30pm on Thursday 22nd September, 2022.

This will be an informal evening where you will have the opportunity to get to know key pastoral staff who will support your child. Please make your way to reception for 5.30pm, where you will be directed to your child’s Head of House for an initial talk, before an opportunity to meet and talk to your child’s pastoral tutor.

Parking will be available on the school yard, entering via the main gate. As you will be aware, parking spaces are always limited therefore please consider car share or an alternative if viable for you.
If you have any queries, concerns, or want to chat to us, please get in touch via your child’s Head of House using the house email addresses below.

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