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Diocesan Inspection

Diocesan Inspection

St Thomas More Catholic School has been determined by the Secretary of State to have a religious character, and therefore must be inspected in accordance with the Catholic School Evaluation schedule. 

The purpose of this inspection is to report to and advise on the quality of classroom Religious Education, the Catholic life and mission of the school and collective worship. The inspection also provides an opportunity to inform parents and the wider Catholic community on the quality of Religious Education and the school’s efficacy as a Catholic community. 

Inspection provides an opportunity to support, challenge, evaluate and promote the work of Catholic schools and colleges. It also assists schools and colleges in the work of self-evaluation and improvement, and enables the Diocese to celebrate with schools their sense of identity and their strengths as Catholic schools. Diocesan inspection also provides parents and carers with an assessment of how well a school is performing as a Catholic school.

St Thomas More’s most recent Dicocesan Inspection was in April, 2019 and a copy of the report can be found below:

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