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Our students’ personal development is supported by daily interactions with their Tutor and the Pastoral Programme.
The relationship students make with their pastoral tutor is of real importance to us as a school. We want all students to have someone they can talk to, confide in and trust. Our aim is for that person to be a students’ tutor, who they will remain in the care of for the duration of their time at St Thomas More.
Each school day begins with pastoral time and each day there is a set focus for students to work on with their tutor. The use of our weekly theme and common approach ensure that there is consistency for our students across the range of topics we cover.
A typical week in pastoral time will look as follows:
Our Wellbeing Wednesdays provide opportunities to reflect upon keeping ourselves mentally and physically healthy, including the teaching and practice of key strategies.
In addition our Topical Thursday allows for information and discussion relating to key topics and recent events in our community, our country and beyond.
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