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Our Mission

Our Mission

St Thomas More has a long established mission, linked to the Gospel Values and our belief in educating the whole child. The Gospel Values encourage us all to be a good neighbour to those in need and to be of service to others, regardless of our position or responsibility.

Our values are intrinsically linked to our school mission statement and our drive to ensure all members of our community reach their full potential.

Our Mission Statement

Our mission statement encapsulates what we are about as a school and what we strive to achieve.  It recognises that each person is unique, yet made in the image of God and can reach their full potential, whatever that may be.

Our Motto: Regis servus dei prius

For us as a community our motto represents the view that the teachings of our religion are more important than worldly goods and a materialistic viewpoint that many people have in the modern world.  

On July 6th 1535 Sir Thomas More was brought to the place of execution at Tower Hill. The King had forbidden More to make a speech before he was beheaded. However, he announced to the crowd that he went to his death for his faith in the Holy Catholic Church as ‘the King’s good servant but God’s first’.

Regis servus dei prius translates as, The King’s good servant, but God’s first and are the last reported words of St Thomas More.  

In practice, this translates to all members of the school doing the right thing for the right reasons.  We do not take the easy option, we value integrity, moral purpose and our mission to educate the whole child.

Our Principles

The principles of St Thomas More Catholic school were created by staff many years ago and we stand firm to these today. We are committed to achieving excellence in all that we do and our principles govern the way that we operate.

At crucial points leaders and staff use these principles as a reference point when making decisions. They act as a guide to ensure we do the right thing.

  1. The Catholic Faith is at the heart of what we do. Our Christian principles provide a well understood moral code by which we operate. Opportunities are provided to further the spiritual development of the community at whatever stage an individual is.
  2. Our school is an organisation that reflects on what it does with a view to achieving constant improvement and development.
  3. Our school experience should be an enjoyable one. This requires the provision of the highest possible quality learning environment.
  4. Our school has high expectations in all areas. There is a belief that we all can succeed, whatever their individual circumstances.
  5. Our school is a civilised place: there is an atmosphere of mutual respect; members of the community are well behaved, display good manners and work for the common good. 
  6. Our school accepts its responsibility as a member of its wider community. Developing links with parishes, the local community, other educational establishments and other partners in order to further the wider educational aims of the region.
  7. Our students have access to a broad, engaging, well sequenced and deeply thought out curriculum. The curriculum equips them to take their places as productive members of society through the provision of the necessary knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes.
  8. Our school is inclusive. The skills and experience of the staff are valued and utilised in the attempt to achieve excellence; no group of pupils is discriminated against. We will always care for the individual whilst being mindful of our responsibility to the whole school community.
  9. Teaching and learning are the core activities. The provision of the highest quality classroom experience is of paramount importance. As a part of this experience learners are encouraged to take intellectual risks to enhance their learning, to develop the skills necessary to become autonomous learners, and to take responsibility for their learning.
  10. Learners are encouraged to develop lively enquiring minds, the ability to question and the ability to argue rationally, in order to cope with the demands of a complex, fast changing modern society.
  11. Our staff are central to the school’s success. There are opportunities for staff to develop their skills throughout their career, they are supported and valued in their work.
  12. Our school is committed to the development of educational practice through the development of partnerships with others in the wider community.
  13. The parents of students at the school are encouraged to be involved in their child’s education and have the opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to support their child at school.

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