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Chaplaincy & Catholic Ethos


We believe Chaplaincy is about walking alongside people, building relations, being present for people and being a presence around school. It is about accompanying and supporting the school community and individuals within it on their life journey, wherever it may take them.

We are very blessed to have a number of Priests who visit the school regularly to say Mass, visit lessons and celebrate the various events that punctuate the liturgical calendar.

Our welcoming Chapel is located in a central area of the school and is accessible to staff and students at all times.  The Chapel emphasises to us that Christ is at the centre of our lives and our school and is a place of retreat for all when needed.

Prayer, Liturgy and Worship

Each week the school has an allocated theme linked to the liturgical calendar and the Gospel reading.  This theme is part of our weekly and daily liturgy and collective worship for staff and students.  We use our theme to provide opportunities for reflection on the messages within the Gospel and to embrace the power of prayer.

As a school we gather weekly for either a whole school or house assembly. These are formal occasions where students are invited to reflect on the weekly theme and pray together as a community. 

On special Feast Days and at key points in the school year we share in the celebration of a whole school Mass. Sometimes this is in the school hall or one of our local Churches. The music, readings, drama & dance are coordinated through the chaplaincy and always serve to make these celebrations such wonderful occasions.

There are prayers held every week in the chapel for students and staff, with opportunities for both quiet, private prayer and shared experiences in organised prayer groups. In addition, all students attend class mass with their tutor group followed by a shared lunch. 

On a daily basis staff pray with students in pastoral time and at the end of each lesson.  


Each Year group experiences a retreat of some form throughout the academic year. This supports students to deepen their faith.

The school enjoys an excellent relationship with the Youth Village and there are several opportunities for students to visit with their friends to experience the range of activities they offer. These are very well attended and prove to be a fabulous opportunity for students to reflect on their faith in a more intimate and relaxed way.

The Youth Mission team supports our work and ensures that students of all ages are given the opportunity to understand the  role of faith in their lives.

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