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One of our main priorities as a school is making sure our students, staff and families feel safe and cared for.  As a school community we look after each other and take responsibility for each other’s and our own wellbeing.

Our whole school approach to wellbeing intervention and support is initially linked to our curriculum, ensuring all students have a sound knowledge of key strategies to support their wellbeing.  In addition to this, we have a range of more bespoke support services and opportunities that support individuals or groups of students. Our Wider Curriculum teaches pupils about the importance of Health and Wellbeing, and how they can look after themselves. This is in addition to our weekly bespoke ‘Keeping Safe and Well’ sessions delivered in pastoral time and our Personal Development ‘Pop Up’ that often features the theme of wellbeing.

Our Wellbeing Team

We are fortunate to have a range of staff in place that work to prioritise the wellbeing of our students.   We have two qualified counsellors that work with us and have strong links with external agencies.

We have a dedicated wellbeing lead in school, who works closely with our Assistant Head Teacher leading on Wellbeing, the whole pastoral team and our in school counsellors.  In addition to leading our ‘Wellbeing Champions’ pupil group.

Support For Families

As a school we will always work to support our students and families. Please use the house email addresses for any concerns you wish to raise. 

There are a wealth of online apps and support agencies available to families. The page below provides you with some of these.

Key Contacts

A reminder of some key contact details are as follows:

In an emergency

  • NHS – 999

To discuss concerns or signposting 

  • Your local GP – 111

For someone who will listen right away 

  • Childline – 08001111 – (Also available for online chats)
  • Young Minds Crisis Messenger – Text YM to 85258 Samaritans – 116 123 (Can also email jo@samaritans.org )
  • Kooth

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